Monday, October 13, 2008

Oh my god...Four lesson plans???

This is what I muttered to myself when Puan Foziah asked us to construct 4 lesson plans as our third assignment. The lesson plans must be done based on the topic and year that we got through the draw lots. Mine was about homes. I have no idea what the content of the topic would be. Before starting on the lesson plans, I borrowed the text books from neighbours and cousins. Besides that, I went to the bookshop and bought some primary school exercise books so that can be used as a guide when creating the task sheet of the lesson plan. I began working on my third assignment. In the lesson plans, I have applied my learnt skill through PBEY3102 course which are photo editing, eBook, extracting audio, downloading video and so on. I cannot imagine myself doing this as I was a really really bad in this technological and ICT stuffs before this. Now, it is simple as ABC. Through this third assignment, I realized why Puan Foziah asked to do 4 lesson plans. In schools, children will be taught on a topic for the whole week, not one day one topic. Therefore, the children must be enhanced with the four language skills in the topics. As teachers in primary school, we need to prepare lesson plans for a whole week regarding one topic. Therefore, this four lesson plans actually served as a mild training for us in preparation for practicum. So, this assignment has been an exposure on how to connect from one lesson to another.

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